8 October 2015

Rhapsody Of Realities

RHAPSODY OF REALITIES. THURSDAY, 8 OCT 2015. PASTOR CHRIS. DON'T ISOLATE YOURSELF. Ye also,as lively stones,are build up a Spiritual house,an holy priesthood,to offer up spiritual sacrifices,acceptable to God by Jesus Christ,( 1 Peter 2:5). In Christianity,we're not in a Club or Social fraternity;we belong to a spiritual Family of God, and must function actively therein. Some Christians got into serious problem in life because of their ignorance of this truth. When satan seeks to attack a Christian,he first lures that one away from the family of God; he isolate the individual to make him vulnerable. This is a long-time strategy of the enemy,.. It parallel the strategy used by the lion against it's prey. lions are said to be the strongest and most ferocious of animals,ut they're not the biggest, neither are they necessarily the smartest. When they want to go after a herd of cattle,for instance,they know they'll be no match for those huge animals with long horns. So,what do they do? They harass the herd in a bid to isolate one of them,and look out for that one that goes astray,.. Once they can cut one off from the heard,or identify One that has gone astray,they focus their attack on it. The lions don't just pounce on all of the cattle; that'll be suicidal. The devil knows that too. He's scared of you,and wouldn't take on all at once, except the one who has stayed or isolate himself from the spiritual family, the protective hedge of the Church. That's why you must take your Church meetings and fellowship with fellow believers very seriously. They provide the opportunity for us to strengthen ourselves in the presence of the Lord. As you share and fellowship with other christians who believe the word like you, you're fortified. Stay in the church; stay in fellowship with God's people. There isn't any one of us who doesn't need the other. We need one another. Our opening verse says we're built up by God as spiritual house. It's not talking about a physical building; it's referring to our lives as God's people. You belong in a spiritual Family; never isolate yourself, Glory to God. PRAYER. Dear Father, I thank you for making me a member of your spiritual family,where I'm taught the Word, trained in righteousness,and strengthened to prevail over all of life's Challenges,I live triumphantly today,and always,perfected by your Word,and the spirit, in Jesus' Name. Amen. Further Study: Hebrew 10:25n Ephessians 2:19 1 Year bible reading plan Colossian 1:24:2:1:5, isaiah 46:47 2 Year bible reading plan John 4:30:42, 1 King 14.

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